Being Android User-I

2312719-a6Recently I bought my first Android phone online. As usual, I evaluated many phones and finally decided one which gives me value for money. Going to Android was not my first choice. But there are some apps which have some features only on Android apps. Otherwise I am still a Windows phone fan though many people do not like it. I am planning to write a series of posts which I think good and/or bad in Android/Windows phones.

windows-10-backdrop-100595742-primary-idgeThe first thing that makes you feel different is advertisements on you phone. Even when you add accessing an app, there are advertisements of promoted apps. This is very much annoying. But yes, in India, Android is the most used smart phone operating system. So you do not have much choices. Moreover, there are no new windows phone coming up as I know from internet. So I am trying to adjust with Android.
